Jewish Congregations Orgaized for Resettlement

Most of our family histories include stories of caring people who stepped up to help our great-grandparents, grandparents, or parents resettle in this country. Today we are challenged to step up and help another generation of refugees.

You have seen the news: The United States initially expected to admit 125,000 refugees this year. Then 80,000 more arrived from Afghanistan. Now, an additional 100,000 Ukrainian refugees are expected.

Jewish Family Services (JFS) is working tirelessly to do its share here in Washtenaw County and is requesting OUR help.

Representatives from Beth Israel Congregation, Temple Beth Emeth, the Jewish Cultural Society, the Reconstructionist Congregation, Pardes Hannah, and the Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan have come together to support resettlement of one refugee family. Also the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor will provide fiduciary oversight for all donated and disbursed funds. And now we need YOU!





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